SWELL is Ismael de Anda III’s heart-light, rotating drum kit, kinetic sculpture, inspired by his drummer brother Marco de Anda, in response to the video The Thump Thump of This Heart by Alex Smith & Andrew Neel, in response to the poem For the Aliveness of Living by Simone Tetrault, for the exhibition Blooming in the Whirlwind.
Blooming in the Whirlwind, takes its name from a line found in the poet Gwendolyn Brooks’s 1968 classic, “The Second Sermon on the Warpland.” In that year that also contained upheaval, Brooks encouraged readers to “conduct your blooming in the noise and whip of the whirlwind.”
Blooming in the Whirlwind is a collaboration between art collectives Level Ground and Durden and Ray, the project began early in the Covid pandemic with Level Ground inviting poets to write poems about the moment. Level Ground then paired those poets with filmmakers. Ultimately, Durden and Ray paired installation artists with the films to create an exhibition that takes us from early in the pandemic to our pandemic/post-pandemic world through three forms of art.
Blooming in the Whirlwind Artist List HERE