ALPTRAUM (Nightmare)
It’s my honor to have my work Mal Ojo/ Mala Mano (Evil Eye/ Bad Hand), on display at the Torrrance Art Museum as a part of the extravaganza wandering exhibition Alptraum (Nightmare)! Big thanks to creator Marcus Sendlinger, co-curator Max Presneill, the incredible TAM team, and to La Esacion Arte Contemporaneo, Chihuhua Mexico where I joined this project. Congratulations to all the other fantastic participating artists!
Also check out at TAM Death Cult: Skulls. Motorcycles. A Moment of Impact. Both shows on view until March 14.
ABOUT Alptraum: The title of the wandering exhibition was inspired by the paintings of the Swiss artist Johann- Heinrich Füssli (1741 Zurich – 1825 London) who painted different versions of “Incubus“ (Nachtmahr). He made the world of dreams and visions subject of his paintings inspired by ghost stories.
The artists invited to contribute to this exhibition have been asked only to submit a work which has their direct hand in it, so physical contact and mark making on the surface of the material is implied in a manner, within this context, akin to the skrier, an ‘automatic writer’, a pyromancer’s stirring of the hot embers, an ectoplasmic medium – the hand that re-creates the subconscious wanderings of its owner. This naturally excludes many types of process, but rather than excluding artists because their process prevents them from physical contact with their final piece, the artists invited to contribute have simply been asked to experiment within the pre-equisits of the theme. This offers them the opportunity to break the mould of their practice and try something slightly new, or indeed, old but discarded. Like George Orwell’s Room 101, in his predictive tale, ‘1984’, we all have our own version of what constitutes a nightmare, and for this reason, the project has been opened to a large number of artists whose many and varied personal nightmare versions, or visions, act to reflect this hugely variable human state of fears and fobias, pain and panic.
Alptraum, the German of Nightmare, is an artist led project. It is a model which utilizes global communication between localized artist hubs and clusters to form an international grouping with the intent of opening a dialogue about this subject across borders and cultures in order to delve into the stuff and mind murk that is collectively shared or completely random and unrelated, or individual specific within the syndrome of ‘The Nightmare’. Each artist draws on their own personal experience in order to visualize those anxieties which take them beyond everyday dreams. Working within the remit of the ‘artist curated project’, all of the works in Alptraum have been restricted in size and material in order to facilitate the low cost postal transportation of the show from country to country, with each exhibition site taking responsibility to pass the show on to the next host – the number of works and artists may change or grow, and the approach to interpreting and hanging the show vary from space to space as the body of work meanders on from country to country, like a trans- global nimbostratus formation; Alptraum is the exhibition equivalent of Stephen Kings ‘The Fog’.
Artists participating in this project include:
Pio Abad (Philippines) | Christian Achenbach (Germany) | Sanell Aggenbach (South Africa) | Minor Alexander (Russia) | Sonja Alhäuser (Germany) | Li Alin (Canada) | Pablo Alonso (Germany-Spain) | Deniz Alt (Germany) | Axel Anklam (Germany) | Nina Ansari (Iran) | Salvatore Arancio (Italy) | Marco Arce (México) | Laura Baginski (Germany) | Alexandra Baumgartner (Austria) | Matthias Beckmann (Germany) | Boris Beja (Slovenia) | Viktor Bernik (Slovenia) | Zander Blom (South Africa) | Armin Boehm (Germany) | Sascha Boldt (Germany) | Jan-Henri Booyens (South Africa) | Wim Botha (South Africa) | Lutz Braun (Germany) | Laura Bruce (U.S.A.) | Joanna Buchowska (Poland) | Jessica Buhlmann (Germany) | Stuart Cairns (United Kingdom) | Mimmo Catania (Italy) | Il-Jin Atem Choi | Nenad Cizl (Slovenia) | Ben Cottrell (United Kingdom) | Christoph Dahlhausen (Germany) | Ismael de Anda (USA) | Eric Decastro (France) | Mandakini Devi (India) | Kedar Dk Dhondu (India) | Jos Diegel (Germany) | Ulrich Diezman (Germany) | Stefan Draschan (Austria) | Thomas Draschan (Austria) | Sven Drühl (Germany) | Peter Duka (Germany) | Martin Durazo (U.S.A.) | Arian Dylan (México) | Nils Daniel Ebert (Germany) | Elisophie Eulenburg (Austria) | Patricia Eustaquio (Philippines) | Mina Fina (Slovenia) | Bettina Forget (Canada) | Heiner Franzen (Germany) | Jonathan Garnham (South Africa) | Andrew Gilbert (United Kingdom) | Saúl Gómez (México) | Samuel Grajfoner (Slovenia) | Georgina Gratrix (South Africa) | Liza Grobler (South Africa) | Ian Grose (South Africa ) | Jayant Gupta (India) | Fernanda Guzmán (Chile) | Konstanze Habermann (Germany) | Margarete Hahner (Germany) | Hannah Hallermann (Germany) | Florian Heinke (Germany) | Trasi Henen (South Africa) | Lori Hersberger (Switzerland) | Gregor Hildebrandt (Germany) | Stefan Hirsig (Germany) | Jim Holyoak (Canada) | Robert Horvath (U.S.A.) | Johannes Hueppi (Germany) | Thaddaeus Hueppi (Germany) | Rocio Infestas (Chile) | Aska Irie (Japan) | Ichiro Irie (U.S.A.) | Adam Jankowski (Austria) | Birgit Jensen (Germany) | Megha Joshi (India) | Susanne Jung (Germany) | Lisa Junghanss (Germany) | Katharina Kakar (India) | Isabel Kerkermeier (Germany) | Gabriele Konsor (Germany) | Clemens Krauss (Austria) | Edgar Leciejewski (Germany) | Xenia Lesniewski (Germany) | Joep van Liefland (The Netherlands) | Catherine Lorent (Luxembourg) | René Luckhardt (Germany) | Lilly Lulay (Germany) | Polona Maher (Slovenia) | Jörg Mandernach (Germany) | Sandra Mann (Germany) | Stefan Mannel (Germany) | Cécile Martin (Canada) | Nomthunzi Mashalaba (South Africa) | Sandra Meisel (Germany) | Kalidas Mhamal (India) | Rebecca Michaelis (Germany) | Midhun Mohan (India) | Ekaterina Mitichkina (Belarus) | Mohau Modisakeng (South Africa) | Lillian Morrissey (Australia) | Virginie Mossé (France) | Jan Muche (Germany) | Iris Musolf (Germany) | Elena Muti (Italy) | Viraj Naik (India) | Robyn Nesbitt (South Africa) | Wolfgang Neumann (Germany) | Rainer Neumeier (Germany) | Nik Nowak (Germany) | Mario Nubauer (Austria) | Enda O`Donoghue (Ireland) | Jennifer Oellerich (Germany) | Beatrix Opolka (Germany) | Alex Ortiz (Canada) | Justine Otto (Germany) | Max Presneill (U.S.A.) | Manfred Peckl (Austria) | Mick Peter (Germany) | Christian Pilz (Germany) | Mark Požlep (Slovenia) | Arjan Pregl (Slovenia) | Richard Priestley (United Kingdom) | Fernando Rascón (México) | Eva Räder (Germany) | Alexandra Reiss (South Africa) | Tanja Rochelmeyer (Germany) | Anke Röhrscheid (Germany) | Römer + Römer (Germany Russia) | Jenny Rosemeyer (Germany) | Dennis Rudolph (Germany) | Ruth Sacks (South Africa) | Maik Schierloh (Germany) | Andreas Schlaegel (Germany) | Sebastiaan Schlicher (The Netherlands) | Bettina Scholz (Germany) | Ann Schomburg (Germany) | María Jose Seañez (México) | Bettina Sellmann (Germany) | Marcus Sendlinger (Germany) | Natalija Šeruga (Slovenia) | Claudia Shneider (South Africa) | Heidi Sill (Germany) | Alexander Skorobogatov (Russia) | Katarina Sočan (Slovenia) | Miha Štrukelj (Slovenia) | Linda Stupart (South Africa) | Simona Šuc (Slovenia) | Gayatri Subramanian (India) | Nina Šulin (Slovenia) | Ernie Luley Superstar (Germany) | Karuna Tank (India) | Alex Tennigkeit (Germany) | Amalia Theodorakopoulos (Greece) | Peter Thol (Germany) | Žiga Tomori (Slovenia) | Klaus-Martin Treder (Germany) | Luka Uršič (Slovenia) | Simone van de Loo (Germany) | C. van Eeden (South Africa) | Jaco van Schalkwyk (South Africa) | Tamzyn Varney (South Africa) | Alvaro Verduzco (México) | Urša Vidic (Slovenia) | Christoph von Löw (Germany) | Rachel von Morgenstern (Germany) | Grant Vetter (U.S.A.) | Sašo Vrabič (Slovenia) | Maik Wolf (Germany) | Renate Wolff (Germany) | Ronald Wullems (The Netherlands) | Michael Wutz (Germany) | Ed Young (South Africa) | Phillip Zaiser (Germany) | Frank-Michael Zeidler (Germany) | Thomas Zipp (Germany) I Sammie Aasen (AZ) | Merryn Alaka (AZ) | James Angel (AZ) | Malena Barnhart (AZ) | Joe Brklacich (AZ) | Rowan Burkam (AZ) | Jeff Chabot (AZ) | Ashley Czajkowski (AZ) | Bill Dambrova (AZ) | Blaise Danio (AZ) | | Jeff Davis(AZ) | Swapna Das Singh (AZ) | Renee Dennison (AZ) | Cam DeCaussin (AZ) | Fausto Fernandez (AZ) | Louise Fisher (CA) | Sam Fresquez (AZ) | Dani Godreau (AZ) | Josh Ua Haunschild (AZ) | Ize (AZ) | Eric Kasper (AZ) | Erin Kuhn (AZ) | Lena Klett (AZ) | Thomas Knight (AZ) | Amber Linkey (AZ) | Larry Valencia Madrigal (AZ) | Julia Martin (AZ) | Misha Mayr (AZ) | Abbey Messmer (AZ) | Emily Ritter (AZ) | Ethan Roads (AZ) | Justin Rodier (AZ) | Cole Seefus (AZ) | Tara Sharpe (AZ) | Madison Stratford (AZ) | Chris Vena (AZ) | Hannah Irene Walsh (AZ) | Jonathan Rashad W. (US) | Yuko Yabuki (AZ) | Lisa Zirbel (AZ)