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Artists and Poems

In Artists and Poems, organized by Durden and Ray, curator Steven Wolkoff and co-curators Alexandra Wiesenfeld and Jenny Hager invited a group of 45 Los Angeles artists to choose a poem that has meaning for them given the current state of the world. The artists


Lux Art Institute presents a sensory Drive Thru Experience the first segment of our annual gala event Lux After Dark under this year’ Season #14 theme A New Territory. Site-specific outdoor installations by the following artists will be on display for your enjoyment from the comfort

PERSONAL CONTACTS #2 at Durden and Ray

Personal Contacts is a series of exhibitions at Durden and Ray featuring 4 members of the curatorial artists collective inviting 4 artists to join them. Each member invited one artist to participate for whatever reasons: shared aims, joint interests or hopes to provide support and

Review: LA Times by Christopher Knight, We Are Here / Here We Are

It’s my honor to be included this thoughtful and sprawling review of Durden and Ray’s show"We Are Here / Here We Are”, by LA Times’ Prize-winning art writer, Christopher Knight. Congratulations to Durden and Ray’s Sean Noyce, co-curators Arezoo Bharthania, Jennifer Celio, Joe Davidson, Dani Dodge,

We Are Here / Here We Are

Dear friends, it’s my honor to be participating in this epic So-Cal neighborhood-wide art extravaganza with so many uncanny artists, organized by the extraordinary folks at Durden and Ray!